Adeolu Adefarasin


Pit Stop Prayer

The problem with religion is it takes the power and the function of everything. And prayer is no different. Religion cripples the Christian walk and erodes faith because it doesn’t breed results and then we take it out on the credibility of God.

If you pray because religion says you should pray you will never see what prayer yields. You will misuse what you don’t understand and prayer is being misused. I will say now so no one fills attacked that I only write because I too am guilty.

We tend to use prayer, not to realign with God’s will, but as a pit stop to where we always wanted to go, thinking that because we “prayed” we would now have God’s stamp of approval to do what we want. So. What happens is we pray, maybe we even wait a little to hear God, birds chirp silence, and then we lean on our own wisdom, and assume because we prayed, our wisdom is suddenly God’s wisdom, then we run with it, with our 2 dimensional wisdom, and when we fall flat on our face we say, “but God I sought Your face, You failed me?”

The reality is this, we do not have the capacity to think with the same width and breadth that God does. God is 3 dimensional, He see’s things we can’t even imagine and when we use prayer as a pit stop and not a place we abide, we will only see with our understanding. We will see war as a sword and shield matter and not as a sing and dance around the walls matter.

God wants us to persevere in prayer live there, learn patience there, wait on His voice.

“You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.”

‭‭James‬ ‭4:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Prayer is not for your pleasure but for His will to manifest. It only works if your striving for His will not your way.