Adeolu Adefarasin


The Weapons Fashioned

I was listening to someone preach over the weekend, they talked about “The weapons fashioned against you.” How intentional satan is about the attacks he brings against you, his weapons aren’t general, they are specifically fashioned, custom made weapons.

Most of the time these weapons are words, with Eve it was, "“Did God really say?…He know if you eat it, you’ll be like God.”

If satan can have you believe a small lie it can have hugely damaging effects on your life, usually because you believe it so deeply, to you that’s just the way it is.

I was having a conversation with my wife recently. I said something I’ve never said before, but have clearly always believed. Talking about school, I said, “I was in the dumb class.” It seems little, but I can, to this day, draw lines where that mindset has probably caused me to be silent in rooms I should be speaking up in.

It is essential, we learn to Identify and reject the lies we have believed, that have served as crooked foundations that have drawn us away from who we are meant to be.

Not long after that conversation with my wife, I was in a group conversation and heard how, a friend, had subconsciously, latched on to a statement said in passing when they were young and from that always believed they weren’t wanted.

I don’t know what lies you have believed, what weapons were intentionally formed against you, to cripple your walk and cause you to live as a shadow of who you really are. Though the weapons have been formed the will not prosper. Christ is the Truth that sets you free, but part of that truth is who you are in Him. Dare to believe you are more.