Adeolu Adefarasin


A Passion For Christ


'that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. '
Colossians 2:2-3

Somewhere along the way in this walk with God, a slight, often unnoticeable shift happens. We move from seeking God, because we are blown away by His person, by His love and just how great He is. Instead we are looking for all the things we think we can get out of a relationship with HIm. For some, thats good health, for others its popularity or fame and for others it’s success or riches.

Whatever that shift is for you, it may seem like nothing all to dramatic and like no big deal, but that little shift for you is an earth shaking, paradigm shift for the devil. He lives for those little shifts that take you completely off course, while feeling like all is well.

Even Jesus’ original followers came to the table with their own motives, “I mean, we’re rolling with the King.” It is understandable right, what are the perks that come with the job. Judas thought they’d be moving a lot more lucrative, “there must be some financial incentives”, some of the disciples thought He will squash the roman rulers of the day, they wanted some authoritative authority.

Often we too come to Christ more for what He can do for us than for who He is.


'But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. '
Matthew 6:33

We have lost sight of the responsibility to seek God first, above all else. The entire focus of Christianity is the pursuit of God. Paul on numerous occasions mentions the importance of knowing the Mystery of the Kingdom and in Colossians, it is made clear that that mystery is actually Christ.

The centrepiece of our faith is Christ, it is all about know Him and so while the shift seems minimal, because you’re still obeying His commands and attending church, when you have moved from prioritising God to searching merely for the perks that come with Christ then you have left the essence of the faith.

The key ‘benefit’ of this walk with God is the salvation that comes by faith, by pursuing the things above God, you are essentially forfeiting the main benefit for the side attraction.

The focus of our life has to become the pursuit of Christ, loving HIm and knowing Him. If your heart has shifted from Him, return to your first love.


'The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable — who can understand it? I, the Lord , examine the mind, I test the heart to give to each according to his way, according to what his actions deserve.
Jeremiah 17:9-10

We have to learn a special kind of humility to walk with Christ. When the bible says the heart is the most deceitful thing, it isn’t because it deceives others but because it deceives you. Right now you may be serving faithfully and consistently in church and in your mind it if because you just want to please the Lord, but somewhere in your heart you believe if you serve God it will entitle you to a blessing or healing.

Only the Lord sees the true nature of your heart and so you have to be humble enough to accept it when a test comes and He reveals to you your true motives. If we can’t accept the truth of where we are and our motives, we can’t repent and turn back.

Have you been seeking God or seeking the perks? Is your heart still aligned?

I pray for you that your passion for Christ will be reignited and He will be your priority,