Adeolu Adefarasin




Purpose is one of the most heavily focused on topics in life, the dictionary defines it as the reason something (or someone) exists. The problem I have with that definition is it often limits us to believe we exist to do a specific thing, it’s why so often we define ourselves by our line of work and when that line of work fails to satisfy it feels as if we have lost who we are.

Purpose and identity are so closely linked to one other, that we often mistaken one for the other.

Identity, is the defining characteristics of who you are, and it remains the same even in changing climates and circumstances, your identity is a constant or it ought to be.

Your purpose is the influence you have in the earth, how that is expressed might change but the intention remains the same. For example, if you were to start a company, the responsibilities in your first year as a founder will change significantly by the 5th or 10th year. While your goal, or purpose remains the same how it is carried out differs based on the season you’re in and the many factors around you.

If you mistaken your purpose for the work you do, you take the risk of becoming stagnant when your role or function ought to change to better and more effectively fulfil the larger task at hand.


One of the the problems we have as Christians is everyone is so concerned by their individual purpose, and I get it. Everyone is the main character in their story, but when you give your life to Christ, you become part of a bigger story and your role is simply, to serve the plot.

'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. '
Romans 8:28

It’s not about your purpose, you are called to His purpose, and that is to…

'Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.'
Matthew 5:16

What influence are you having in the earth? Who is your life pointing people to, yourself or God?

By popular demand I’ll be starting a series on Understanding Purpose on my Instagram, make sure you check it out ad leave a comment below with your thoughts.