Adeolu Adefarasin


We Built A Religion Full Of Narcissists

The Narcissistic christian

The world we live in today, full of technological advancement and great achievers, obsessed with personal wealth, comes from a place full of great potential but flawed motives. Men sailed the seven seas and discovered nations, dug the earth and found gold, silver, diamonds, drilled the depths of the sea and found oil. We love the search.

I always wondered how I could go into an art gallery and see a toilet, or a blank wall and it’lll be called art, but the value of a thing has always been determined by the maker. So, men discovered things with great potential to help others, but decided to stock it up for themselves, more concerned with self.

The same way men were relentless in their search for gold and other “worldly treasures”, the bible tells us to be relentless in our pursuit of God.

'God conceals the revelation of his word in the hiding place of his glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search out the deeper meaning of all that God says.'
Proverbs 25:2

The pursuit of God is one thing, but what leads you into that pursuit reveals more about you than any knowledge or understanding you are able to unfold. When Simon The Sorcerer saw the works the apostles were able to do by the Hand of the Holy Spirit, he sought to buy it. His motive, damaged his pursuit. In the same way the bible says, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33). We can engage in the search and even come about, wisdom, knowledge and understanding but the value is lost, if the pursuit is solely for the things added.

The motive is him not you

The pursuit, is a pursuit of God, but mostly we are pursuing self and turning God into a means by which we find ourselves, or success, fame and riches.

While God has a track record of making men famous, rich and endowing them with great wisdom, it is always for a greater cause. When God made Abraham famous, it wasn’t because Abraham desired fame, but because Abrahams focus was always on God and was an example of living by faith.

the search is for him, not you

We need to learn to build a lifestyle of searching for God, “blessed is he, who hungers and thirsts after righteousness, for he shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6). Far too often, we pick up our bibles and read them because we need to know what to do next, whether to trust someone, what our purpose is. God has answers, but the search must be for Him, not for you. You find yourself in Him. God isn’t a strategy, and you aren’t the goal.

What are you looking for when you read the bible?